My javascripts
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Hello there. here are some small helper libraries I wrote. Or, am writing. I update them from time to time. Please do not link these directly into your whatever, instead you can save a copy. Check the source code for comments. Sometimes if something is a wip I comment out large sections. Sorry!
quick links
- AES-JS - AES encryption in javascript, based of B. Poettering's implementation.
- ISoCrazy - a .ISO file reader in the works. This started as a rewrite and finishing of thiscouldbebetter's partial implementation, but mine can read through the entire file system and, using a little guesswork, mostly parses SUSP and RRIP fields as well
- Splrchive - small client-side zip file reader and writer, no deps, written in ecma-262 spec. currently does not support compression, this is meant simply to facilitate the download of multiple files from a static site or in situations where the hosting provider does not allow content-disposition headers. unlike zip-js, my library can generates custom spanned archive zips in multiple files in situations where the blob memory is limited (i.e. archive.z00, archive.z01,
- webp encoder polyfill - webassembly polyfill taken from chromium source code adapted for html5 canvas to allow webp export in unsupported browsers
- escape-unescape.js - retrofill for escape and unescape when they get deprecated
- set-frameout - like setTimeout but with paint cycle frames
- apache-table - easy make apache-style ui for directories
- swap.js - client side "swap" space for storing blobs
- upload.js - easy client side api for uploading of files, via click or drag
- copy.js - simplified clipboard copy
- progress-measurer - measure transfer of bytes over time in detail
- progbar - display progress in small bar at top of viewport
- disk-writer.js - uses service worker to make large downloads possible without server
- sleep.js - sleep with blocking and non-blocking (async) options
- run-script.js - run a script
- when.js - wait till a condition is true to resolve a promise
- random-id.js - generate random ids using characters a-zA-Z0-9